Cambridgeshire ACRE – Housing report

Follow the link below to access the results from the recent housing survey.  Cambridgeshire ACRE will be attending the next Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 20th June at 7.30pm to discuss this report and to answer any questions.


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Annual Parish Meeting – 23rd May

The annual parish meeting will be held in the village hall on Wednesday 23rd May.  The meeting will start at 8.15pm which follows an extraordinary PC meeting to discuss one planning application.

All are welcome.  Come and listen to what your parish council has achieved over the past 12 months and to be part of what you would like to see achieved in the coming 12 months.

Meet your new councillors and get to know those existing councillors.

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Village clean up – Sat 12th May 2018

We need your help again!!

The Community team are planning another ‘Tidy Up’ weekend Saturday May 12th 2018 to perform the tasks listed below. If you cannot make this date then an hour or two of your time during the next few weeks would be greatly appreciated. Let me know what task/s you are willing to undertake. We can then discuss what; where; when you would like to help. Continue reading

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