Highways Schedule of Maintenance

Click here to access the next schedule of works to cover period 1 – 15th February 2018.

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Reporting non-emergencies online

Non-emergency situations can now be reported to the police online if people would rather do so than call 101.
In October last year Cambridgeshire Constabulary re-launched their website with added
functionality to report non-emergencies via specially designed forms or a live webchat.
The live webchat option enables people to communicate directly with a member of staff in
the control room, just as would be the case when calling 101. Online forms are processed in
the same way as a call and the person reporting can expect a response within 24 hours.
Due to the high level of demand there are often queues when calling 101. Reporting online
is quick, easy and free of charge.
Superintendent James Sutherland said: “In the digital age people are doing more and more
online. I’m pleased that our website now has increased capability to allow people to contact
us in this way.
“The system went through a thorough testing process and has been used successfully
thousands of times since being introduced.
“Feedback from a recent survey suggested that some people wanted to communicate
directly with a person rather than submitting an online form. The webchat function allows
people to do exactly that.
“Reports submitted online are treated in the same way as when people call 101 and will
receive the same outcome.”
To view the online reporting section of the constabulary’s website visit
www.cambs.police.uk/report/. The live webchat function is available by clicking on the
green icon on the bottom right of the page.

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Highways Work Schedule

Click here to see the highways work schedule for period 16.1.18- 31.1.18

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