Harvest Festival – Sunday 8th October

All Saints Church will be holding ‘Harvest on the Farm’ on Sunday October 8th 2017 12 noon at Manor Farm, Fenton. Courtesy of David and Wendy Brown. Come and join us for a service to celebrate the harvest. This will be followed by a bring and share lunch. Please bring a filling for a jacket potato which will be provided or anything else you wish to eat.

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SID – results so far……………

The recently purchased mobile SID which records traffic data has identified some interesting results so far.

Watch out for the new location in the coming week and further data next month.

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Community Gritting Scheme

The County Council’s Community Gritting scheme allows local residents, as volunteers, to step in during extended periods of freezing weather to clear footways and footpaths in your area that are not part of the County Council’s gritting program.

Each parish decides which footways and paths should be gritted by volunteers and submits them to the County Council for approval. The routes are then discussed and an agreed route map is recorded. You are only covered by the County Council’s insurance for these agreed routes. You are not insured or trained to grit the roads and should never place yourself in conflict with live traffic

The County Council train volunteers, via an online training pack, and provide all the equipment required. Volunteers will be covered by the County Council’s insurance provided they complete the required training and only grit registered areas according to the County’s procedures.

More information on the scheme can be found on the County’s web pages at: Community Gritting

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